You got to believe for what have seen in the photos below! She, Dawn Yang, looks totally different before & after she did her plastic surgeries.
Spanning outside of Singaporean borders into international internet land, the celebrity Dawn Yang can be seen on her blog and other media outlets as a fashion icon and model. For those of you that don’t know her, Dawn runs her own blog, which garnered more and more visits and publicity since 2000. Her haters say she’s had plastic surgery and because of her marginally good looks, garners tons of visits. At the same time, she breaks down make up, fashion and style tips for women and has garnered both haters and admirers around the world.
Okay, let the pictures do all the talking.
Okay, let the pictures do all the talking.
More photos of Dawn Yang before plastic surgery..

She looks fairer than before. Omg! Amazing! That's what we called THE POWER OF PLASTIC SURGERY!!
Let's check it out the video below.
Quit trying to look like us. It's pathetic.
yours truly,
white guy
@white guy
Not a lot Asian was trying to look like Caucasians.
you know what.. she became more and more pretty because she do a lot of homework to beutify herself..and im not pointing to plastic surgery..
dont you know make ups/ cosmetic products can do wonders to gals out there? her eyes became bigger because of the make up, double eyelid sticker and faux eye lashes..and contact lenses that make ya iris looks bigger and more attractive.. dont believe it? try it at home, you'll look totally different with sparkling eyes..
what makes you think a dark skin gal would remain dark skin forever? me myself were too dark and unnoticeable when i was in high school, i look totally unattractive with my puffy, small, single eye-lid-eye, with the right cleansing products and skin products, my complexion had become fairer.. and because i work in indoors now, it kept me out from harmful uv da way, do you notice that d.y. put ob heavy foundation? that is not bleaching, that is just the foundation she applied, sometimes you can see it's different tone compare with the color of her neck and body... slowly, my fren noticed that i became fairer.. my face were so round and flat back then.. without knowing why, the older i get, ( im now 23) my face become more toned and slim, i can say prettier..and again, using good skill of make-ups, one's facial features can look more sharp and prominent...
other than that.. i wear more sexy tops thanks to some heavily-padded-bra easily available in the market.. did i plastic myself? nop never.. but my friends around me say this to me everytime we had gathering.. wow. you looks so different compared to before.. it's like transformed into an attractive lady...
oh yea.. taking photos by posing to certain angles are so magical too... with different angles, and lighting effects, your face and body can look fairer and slimmer:) try practice it at home.
i think many gals out there truly understand and agree with what i say..
pity the guys out there.
Dawn Yang, famous blogger/hottest babe went through major cosmetic surgery. same go with Rachel Kum (shes a model)
Whereas for Agri, she went nose surgery. Fauzi Rassull on the other hand, went through shaprening chin, eye lit surgery and botox. WTF!
and people tend to hate them. why? coz they went surgery and we did not?
COZYCOT thread
Im actly very neutral towards all comments but for urs i think u've messed something up.
Taking in a high sharp nose,sharp chin,thin face,fair skin doesn't means she's looking forward to LOOK like caucasian.
As u said the most beautiful woman in the world is an Indian.
I suppose u know she has high sharp nose,chin n big eyes?
So now it's caucasian or indian?
But anyway,in the asian history n conceptions,sharp chin,big eyes,fair skin,thin face is always recognised as the icon of beauty.
So,pls don't be such narcissistic.None here are trying to look like u.
They are just trying to look more beautiful according to their own preferences.
p/s: Inner beauty is more appreciable than the outter.
Hencs isn't it the same for attitude,to have a heart to except the difference of others,and not calling it fake but improvement?
I disagree that people hate them just because they all did plastic surgery. I feel its because they are fame hungry and doing plastic surgery does not put them in a good light. Surely, people will start talking about your before and after photos.
Also, Rachel Kum is not a model. She has indeed gone through plastic surgery. Boob job,nose job, botox to make her face slimmer etc. You can view her old photos and current photos and she also looks different.
Dawn Yang, Rachel Kum, Agri and Fauzi all have done Plastic surgery. So I guess they all have that in common to talk about.
and she's really damn pretty aft th surgery man xD!!
beinq pretty is n0t a crime at all!
lala land here :D
& to white guy and all who think like him :
im an asian girl, i don't want to look caucasian! >.< ( even though alot are very pretty! )
i don't want to have a lump in the bridge of my nose that is big like Lewis Griffin! ( not reffering to people who don't have that.)
ALOT of my caucasian friends look masculine(not saying all, just some)! I DONT WANT TO LOOK EVEN THE TINIEST BIT LIKE A DUDE!!!
maybe before you write that comment, you should've atleast talked to an asian person who knows about this stuff.!
and i think you should've said 'not to ALL'
FakoU! i want to looklike friggin korean popstar like lee dahae! or my indian friend! or like my porcelain doll.
Comeon, the recent Miss Universe 2006 and Miss Universe 2008 and Miss Universe 2007 3rd runnerup all have major plastic surgery but they still won the title!!!
Singapore must upgrade if not we forever mocked by others around the world as "ignorant of plastic surgery"
There are many techniques for girls to look better. I also looked tanner and not so pretty when younger, now old friends can barely recogize me. But i swear i didn't surgery!
Dawn's old photos are from school days which are like what, 10 years ago? C'mon, people changej people mature!!!
Also, look carefully, her face don't look that different to me. Maybe as a girl its easier for me to tell when its magic of makeup. BIgger eyes = big eye lens and false eyelashes. Fairer skin = whitening products, stay out of sun. Sharper looking features = lose weight
Btw, I also read somewhere that some of the "old" photos were photoshopped to make her look uglier. I think Xiaxue or some haters out there could have done that. Damn mean.
There are many techniques for girls to look better. I also looked tanner and not so pretty when younger, now old friends can barely recogize me. But i swear i didn't surgery!
Dawn's old photos are from school days which are like what, 10 years ago? C'mon, people changej people mature!!!
Also, look carefully, her face don't look that different to me. Maybe as a girl its easier for me to tell when its magic of makeup. BIgger eyes = big eye lens and false eyelashes. Fairer skin = whitening products, stay out of sun. Sharper looking features = lose weight
Btw, I also read somewhere that some of the "old" photos were photoshopped to make her look uglier. I think Xiaxue or some haters out there could have done that. Damn mean.
ive heard of so many whitening creams,moisterizers,gels etc. in asia
and asian people stop saying that you dont because we all know thats a liee,
even the the asian people that live in the US leave their "roots" behind they think whereever they were born thats their "heritedge" WHEN ITS NOTT! your asian get the FUCK OVER IT! theres is no wayy you can change chinky-ass eyes,straight black hair and a yellow complexion! and another thing to the asians that are "from" europe and have an accent: you guys sound so stupid with a brittish or irish accent try and be "white" all you can, your not fooling anybodyy, oh! and another thing asians are fucking everywhere! in the randomest places in the world, always trying to change their "enthnicity"
goshh you guys are patheticc :p stop invading the world with your useless, ugly features! no one wants them!
>: )
wants to looks asian with "eyeliner" and "losing weight to have sexy asian figure"
so stop trying to point a fingerr!
haha its like the pot calling the kettle black....
Guys, i am Asian, i am PURE Chinese. Sad thing is, i don't look Chinese, so does it mean i went for surgery? No, all races of people always mistake me for anything other then Chinese. Yes my eyes are big,yes my hair is brown(Caucasians dye their hair black?), yes my skin is fair (Caucasians Tan) and yes i have a high nose(Caucasians also go for nose jobs all the time). Its all natural. My parents & grandparents have those traits so i got them. I come from a well respected family. And i traveled extensively, till this day, guys and girls of all races, including a lot of Caucasians gawk at me. (noted: i was always voted the prettiest/smartest girl in school(oh and i keep my legs closed and never wore skirts above my knees or showed any of my boobs), not for bragging, but for people who are ignorant to ethnic beauty) So NO, Asians are not UGLY. I am proud of my race and our accomplishments. People who do not travel are extremely ignorant, so please pardon them. We can't blame people for not having the chance to see the world.
If Caucasians are that great, China would not be a rising power and whites would not bother to learn Chinese. Duly note, its the educated ones who learn it too.
Diverged too much there. Point being, Every race has their less attractive population, there is NO ugly person. Everybody has their insecurities(eg. I have a protruding round butt, naturally. Its very tiring to run *smiles*) Happiness comes from yourself, in your heart.
Let's get this straight. Lighter skin is NOT any indication of beauty. If that was the case I'd be picking an 80 YO woman over Beyonce.
Be proud of being Asian. Don't go trying to be white like some sellout. Even as a Eurasian, I prefer to be labeled as Asian.
On the other hand, white folk all want to get Asian-ish type tans. So it's not all one way traffic.
Anyway, I hope you are proud of yourself.
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I don't want people thinking I've had surgery to achieve my features! How disgraceful!
Proud to be a mixie, not proud to have imitations!
Stop flattering yourselves mmkay ;).
Nobody in the Far East wants to look white. Haven't you heard? The ones that are ashamed of their race (Dawn Yang, Angelababy, Ai Cherie, Janice Man etc.) want to look EURASIAN. It's all the rage out there.
Eurasians are mixed WITH white, they are NOT white. Last time I checked, I was Eurasian and you blind white folk still call me Asian. So stfu, and go back to your trailers.
Her face... as you can see, she had her face slimmered. Either through a jaw reduction or chin sharped to make her face shape more oval and small. Definitely had her eyes and nose done for sure! And probrably got a forehead transplant, to make it smoother and rounder. There's a small percentage of asian who are naturally blessed with some non-asian facial features like (NoOnes Ugly) But dawn yang is not one of them!
please notice that the girl above made those plastic surgeries to look like a japanese or maybe korean. Which are considered asian. All her new features made her look more cute like an ASIAN from japan. Even after the surgeries you can tell that she is an asian.I studied in United States before, and let me ask you this. Why is there a lot of tanning salon in the US? to make your skin tanner? and not pale???? or should i say to look like an asian? and why in a sudden many caucasian have super black hair??? I guess it is in their gene right? The truth is, everybdy wants to look better and never satisfied with what they have. It applies to everyone in the world including CAUCASIANS.
Side Notes:
1)I have never heard the of the idea that the use of black-eyeliner is an attempt to look more like an asian woman. Don't all women use it?? It certainly doesn't make any of us look more asian. If anything, it tends to open up the eye more.
2)I have also never heard of the "asian figure" referred to as "sexy" per say. I'm not saying that some men/women don't find it attractive, but if you talk to most white, black, or hispanic women/men, we tend to find curves sexier. Asian women tend to possess more boyish figures.
3)I find more asian women to possess more masculine features than white women (especially Chinese women) with their more square-like jaws and boyish figures. Don't get me wrong, there are some seriously masculine women of all ethnicities, but but if we're talking about women of certain ethnicities looking masculine than others, the boyish figures and square jaws don't help.
4)Lastly, the unfortunate white girl who was spouting off racist slurs, complete with spelling mistakes and grammar deficiencies, may well want to retreat to her trailer.
It seems that you have not seem how BIG the world is and you don't sound like you come from a middle/high-class society too. I really pity you. This world is not about asian or caucasians.. WORLD PEACE guys. You have to THINK BIG and OUT OF THE BOX. You will not make it in the business world if u keep thinking that your race is the most superior. Every BIG companies need to venture globally to GROW. Bill Gates (who is not a racist) ventured into asian markets decades ago to make his millions. Big ppl think BIG!! see the difference between urself and an affluent figure like Bill.
EVERYONE likes to looks good and it doesn't matter which race. Asian have naturally high-bridge nose and I have seen some caucasian with weird looking face. They are born with it. COME ON. open up ur eyes!!
Back to Dawn topic, she is one asian who does not want to acknowledge her PURE asian roots. She is one of the most pathetic asian too. SURGERY is for everyone but if a person keeps denying their roots, it shows that they are living in self-denial. She might risk losing her own family too. All of them are CHINESE.. no mixed blood. -_- It's so weird how ppl are. She rather choose fame n wealth (heard she is a mistress) than her own family and friends.
WHITE is only a colour. Being FAIR is one of the ancient (way before they have TVs and aeroplanes!!!) beauty must-haves. you guys should do more research here. I work in a multi-cultural company and all my caucasian colleagues are none like any of you here... Good luck to you all though! Please be more kind to your fellow being. Think before you comment. God Bless.
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