Dawn Yang's Fake Blog

All these pictures really funny & made me laughing! Wahhaha,,..But i am quite pity on Dawn Yang coz seem many people were don't like her very much. i don't know why. If she vs Xiaxue, i knew la. But who created this DawnWayang Blog? (Dawn Yang Fake Blog)

They must be have a big resentment between them who created this Dawn Yang Fake Blog.

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Huey said…
pity her..but no choice..if there is ppl like you..there will be ppl hate u as well..
Anonymous said…
dawn yang is a bitter hater stupud cunt wannabe weirdo psycho stalker!! i saw all the pic where she copied one of her classmates.. Arissa? Or something.. Dawn yang is sad! im glad so many ppl hate her.. and yet she still have this messed up thought that ppl whorship her LOL
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Anonymous said…
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
Anonymous said…
Not bad article, but I really miss that you didn't express your opinion, but ok you just have different approach
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